Lesson 1: Introduction to Autopsy
Understand the autopsy procedure itself, the different settings that autopsy is practiced, and basic information regarding the death certification and death investigation process in the United States
If you are interested in learning information about international autopsy practice, please view our supplemental videos
To-do list
Take the Pre-Quiz to see how much you already know about autopsy pathology
Review Autopsy Story Videos to understand the value of autopsy in medicine and why this is an important aspect of pathology residency training
Watch the lecture Introduction to Autopsy
Watch cadaver evisceration demonstration videos
Watch the US Death Investigation Systems video
Watch the US Death Certification video
Watch the Autopsy Reporting video
Complete the autopsy study guide to practice for the Post-Quiz
Take the Post-Quiz to see how much you have learned about autopsy pathology
Pre-Lesson Quiz
Introduction to Autopsy
Cadaver Evisceration Demonstration Videos (Parts 1-4)
US Death Investigations Systems
Death Certification
Autopsy Reporting
Supplemental Videos
Italian Death Investigations Systems
Indian Death Investigations Systems
New Zealandish Death Investigations Systems
Post-Lesson Assessment
Congratulations on finishing this module! In order to get your course certificate, please complete the exam and satisfaction survey linked below.
The exam will consist of 10 questions with a short feedback section at the beginning. You will have TWO attempts to take the quiz and pass with a score of 60% or higher. If you do not receive your certificate with 10 minutes of completing your exam, please contact us.