Welcome to Your Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Module
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Course Home Page
Course leadership
Marissa White, MD | Anaisa Quintanilla-Arteaga, MS
How to Succeed in this Course
Register, take the pre-course survey, finish with the post-course assessment quiz
Keep an open and respectful mind when learning about health disparities and the lived experiences of others
Watch the lecture video or read the lecture transcript
Answer and reflect on study questions
Engage with other classmates and course leadership on equitable medical education that will help combat health disparities
Technical Help
Use the Contact Us for for general technical help
Course Description
This course will serve to introduce medical students to the effect of health disparities on health outcomes and the role pathologists can take to combat these disparities through our work, advocacy, and daily lives.
Course materials have either been created specifically for PathElective.com or curated from free sources. When the course links to an outside source or link which is free, PathElective does not claim ownership or any rights to that material - we are merely promoting excellent pathology education with all due credit to original authors