Gross Pathology Lesson 6: Common Gross Tumors
Describe a tumor grossly based on its anatomic location
Differentiate two tumors grossly from the same anatomic location
Identify which two tumors require section mapping
Contrast a lung nodule for carcinoma versus a lung nodule for tuberculosis
Distinguish the gross appearance of an ovarian cystadenoma to a borderline tumor and to a cystadenocarcinoma
To Do List:
Take pre-lesson assessment
Watch lecture video
View websites for additional gross pathology images
Take post-lesson assessment
Pre-Lesson Assessment:
Gross Pathology of Common Tumors
Websites for additional gross pathology images (optional)
Post-module assessment:
Congratulations on finishing this module! In order to get your course certificate, please complete the exam and satisfaction survey linked below.
The exam will consist of 10 questions with a short feedback section at the beginning. You will have TWO attempts to take the quiz and pass with a score of 60% or higher. If you do not receive your certificate with 10 minutes of completing your exam, please contact us.