Pediatric Pathology Lesson 1:
Pediatric Tumors
Identify key H&E features that distinguish Small Round Blue Cell Tumors
Understand the common clinical features of each Small Round Blue Cell Tumor
Understand the best tests for each Small Round Blue Cell Tumor, and the limitations of IHC and molecular tests
To Do List:
Analyze normal tissues on PathPresenter
Watch normal slide explanation video
Download and review handout
Watch Dr. Michael Arnold’s #CAPVirtualPath lecture
Read assigned articles
Test your knowledge with unknown cases on PathPresenter
Watch unknown case explanation video
Take post-module quiz
(meant to be completed of the course of 1-2 days)
Pre-Lesson Assessment
Normal Pediatric Histology Practice
Normal Pediatric Histology Explanation Video
Pediatric Tumor Clinical Features Handout
#CAPVirtualPath lecture
Reading Assignments
Review other aspects of the Society for Pediatric Pathology Neuroblastoma atlas for details on different neuroblastoma subtypes and gross photographs
Unknown Case Slides: review the following and decide on your most likely diagnosis
Case 1: diaphyseal bone tumor in a teenager
Case 2: touch preparation of an anterior mediastianl tumor in a 1 y/o
Case 3: neck mass in an 8-year-old
Case 4: neck mass in a 7-year-old
Case 5: kidney tumor in a 4-year-old
Unknown Case Explanation Video
Post-module assessment:
Congratulations on finishing this lesson! In order to get your lesson certificate, please complete the exam and satisfaction survey linked below.
The exam will consist of 10 questions with a short feedback section at the end. Only one submission is allowed per user.
If you do not receive your certificate with 10 minutes of completing your exam, please contact us.