Pediatric Pathology Lesson 3:
Hirschsprung Disease
Explain the criteria for establishing the diagnosis of Hirschsprung disease from a rectal biopsy.
Understand the features of a transition zone in Hirschsprung disease.
Understand how transition zone anatomy impacts intraoperative management of Hirschsprung disease.
To-do List
Watch lesson videos
Review histology slides
Watch video review of histology slides
Read articles
Review and decide how you would diagnose each unknown case
Watch unknown case explanatory video
Pre-Lesson Assessment:
Virtual lecture
Grossing Hirschsprung Specimens
Introductory histology slides (for review, no questions, click links)
Video explanation of introductory slides:
Reading Assignments
Optional article (if you have access from your institution)
Article (free access after October 1, 2020)
Unknown Case Slides: review the following and decide on your most likely diagnosis
Case 1: Neonate, rectal biopsy
Case 2: Neonate, rectal biopsy
Case 3: Neonate, proximal portion of a resection specimen
Case 4: Neonate, diagnosed with Hirschsprung disease. Frozen section from a pull through procedure
Case 5: Neonate, rectal biopsy
Unknown Case Explanation Video
Post-module assessment:
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