Lesson 2: Neoplastic Lung
Recognize common benign and malignant neoplasms of the lung
Apply immunohistochemistry to better characterize pulmonary neoplasms
Describe the basic principles of the TNM staging system to stage lung adenocarcinoma
Recognize the different architectural patterns of lung adenocarcinoma
Understand the importance of molecular testing in lung adenocarcinoma
Recognize the importance of PD-L1 testing in the treatment of lung cancer
To Do List:
Take pre-lesson quiz
Watch lecture videos
Take post-lesson quiz
Start by taking the pre-lesson assessment. You can access the quiz using the link below.
Pathologic Diagnosis of Lung Adenocarcinoma
Mucinous Adenocarcinoma
6 Facts Every Trainee should know about Lung Adenocarcinoma
Small Biopsies - A Big Deal
Staining in Lung Cancer
How to Interpret PD-L1 IHC
Must-Know Facts about TTF-1
Mets to the lung
Other tumors
Typical Carcinoid
NUT Carcinoma
SMARC A4 deficient Sarcoma
Pulmonary Hamartoma
Kaposi Sarcoma
Post-module assessment:
Congratulations on finishing this module! In order to get your course certificate, please complete the exam and satisfaction survey linked below.
The assessment will consist of 10 multiple choice questions covering histology and theory covered in this lesson. Each student is allowed one attempt at the assessment, and scores will be reported on your certificate.
If you do not receive your certificate with 10 minutes of completing your exam, please contact us.