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Welcome to Virtual PathSIG

The only virtual #pathology interest group: @Path_SIG, an online hub for amazing #path2path events, resources, and info! For everyone from students to faculty, and active across all #SoMe!

Upcoming Events and Campaigns


Career Seminars



Pathology Reviews


Part 1: Crash-Course Step 1 Histology Review

Part 3: Crash-Course Step 1 Histology Review

Part 5: Crash-Course Step 1 Histology Review

Part 2: Crash-Course Step 1 Histology Review

Part 4: Crash-Course Step 1 Histology Review

Part 6: Crash-Course Step 1 Histology Review


Applying to Residency


Pathology Virtual Interview Panel

Pathology Residency Interview Session


Are you ready to join the PathSIG family?