Welcome to Your Molecular Microbiology Module
Molecular Microbiology
Course Home Page
Course leadership
Cullen Lilley, MS, MB(ASCP), MDxT (AAB)
How to Succeed in this Course
Register, take the pre-lesson surveys, finish with the post-lesson assessments for each lessons.
Read all material posted on the course website
Engage with other classmates and course leadership on twitter with #PathElective #MoMicroElective
Do not hesitate to ask questions—we are here for you!
Enjoy you time learning about molecular microbiology!
Technical Help
Use the Contact Us for for general technical help
Course Description
This course is aimed at exposing students to recent advances in molecular diagnostics of microbial life in medicine while engaging with classic molecular diagnostic protocols. This course will explore target amplification techniques, signal amplification methodologies, and sequencing technologies currently being used in the lab or newly introduced into the lab. We will also explore quality concerns in molecular microbiology as well as bioinformatics, computation, and data transfer—all concerns that need to be addressed as larger data sets are generated in the treatment of patients and the protection of the public from outbreaks.
Course materials have either been created specifically for PathElective.com or curated from free sources. When the course links to an outside source or link which is free, PathElective does not claim ownership or any rights to that material - we are merely promoting excellent pathology education with all due credit to original authors